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Django Template Email Manager

Django Template Email Manager

A free and open source app to manage email queues from any django project
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Template Email Manager is a Django App that manages all the email communications of your Django project. You can create multiple sending accounts, HTML templates with attached images and email receivers. Everything is run-time customizable, since all the parameters are stored in DB. All messages are stored in a DB based queue.


  • Allows you to use multiple source e-mail provider and address on the same Django project
  • Each configured email provider has its own attributes (max send attempts, delay between retries, and so on…)
  • You can add and edit TXT and HTML e-mail templates at run-time, without the need to change the code
  • You can attach picture and/or other format attachment to the e-mails
  • Automatic queue management using Django Background Tasks
  • Storage of all added and processed e-mails with status and logs